Bold Claims From Suspended Pro! He Really Has Some Nerve!



Former mid laner for TiP XiaoWeiXiao was recently suspended from the NA LCS for Elo Boosting, something which is not allowed by riot games, if you need to see more check out here for details.  Now, he is back in China, and has just translated an recent interview XiaoWieXiao just did.  He has some bold things to say over seas:

Q: In regards to NA teams, can you tell everyone about them briefly? Like TSM or Doublelift, or why C9 fell so quick?

XWX: TSM and CLG are both in a downward spiral recently because they mostly have traditional NA players. Their playstyles also lean towards scaling and team fighting, which are hard to adjust after many teams changed their playstyles with Korean players. Speaking of C9, they played rather chaotically due to losing their main shotcaller, Hai. After he retired for a while, C9 didn’t have a shotcaller, which naturally led to their fast decline. But since recently Hai returned as the Jungler, C9 still has hope in the later part of the season.


He has some bold claims of being the best mid in the NA LCS and some more outlandish claims.  He used to be able to back up that attitude with play, but no that he is not playing professionally, he doesn’t have anything to back that up.  There is plenty more on the full article, so check out what else XWX has to say here.

Author: JTRex

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