Is Another TSM Announcement Coming Soon?

Is Another TSM Announcement Coming Soon?

  TSM are in the process of rebuilding their team, and the other day, they added Doublelift to fill their open adc role.  With tryouts going on for the open positions in Top, Jungle, and Support, we are bound to hear something soon.  Over on the, Jacob Wolf has some news on a potential Top laner pick: Gravity Gaming top laner Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell is the frontrunner for the spot, sources close to the...

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Season 6 Masteries!  How To Set Up This New System!

Season 6 Masteries! How To Set Up This New System!

  League of Legends wastes no time in changing over from season to season.  Worlds has just ended and now there is a massive amount of content up on the public beta environment to get us ready for season 6.  As usual, this season brings new masteries and this time, the layout is extremely different, so over on the next page, Jeremy Curious Gaming has a video guide to the new Keystone masteries.  The mastery system in League of...

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Your Eyes Are Not Fooling You,  Welcome TSM Doublelift!

Your Eyes Are Not Fooling You, Welcome TSM Doublelift!

  Well a few hours ago we had this, a farewell to Doublelift from Counter Logic Gaming is sadly announcing today that the team has parted ways with Peter “Doublelift” Peng. Doublelift has been one of the core members of CLG for the past four years and one of the legacy players that fans of old still love to this day. We are proud to have won a championship with Doublelift as a CLG member. It took four...

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Faker Takes His Second Championship!

Faker Takes His Second Championship!

  We have our first 2 time Worlds Champions in League of Legends, as earlier today Faker and Bengi and the rest of SKT took the finals 3-1 over The Koo Tigers, and we couldn’t be happier for them.  SKT only lost one game the entire tournament, which was game 3 against Koo, but then they came charging back in game 4, playing a near perfect game with one team death one their side.  Of course, Faker showed us why he is the...

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Use These Items!  They Are Better Than You Think!

Use These Items! They Are Better Than You Think!

  To go along with the over 100 champions in League of Legends, there are plenty of items to buy, but many of us get stuck in a loop of buying the same item each game.  Many times, certain items would fit your champion better, or just be most cost efficient, and over on Jeremy Curious Gaming, we have a great video with 5 of these items.  Efficient and mostly underrated, these items go unnoticed because they aren’t in normal...

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The Finals Info You Need To Know!

The Finals Info You Need To Know!

  On the 31st, League of Legends will crown their Season 5 champion, and with the potential for the first repeat champions, this finals has a great story line.  There is a lot more than that, and for those of us that may not  heavily follow the LCK, we have a great article to give you a deeper look at SKT and the Koo Tigers.  Over on, Xmeik gives us some back story and heasd to head match ups: Going into the...

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