Element’s Jungler Speaks Out!



Elements is in a team limbo right now, as they did not make playoff to participate in Worlds, and they also did not finish low, being they had no need for relegation matches to fight for their LCS spot.  This down time has been filled with lots of streaming and solo queue climbing.  I also gives players time to sit down and discuss their situation, just like Element’s Jungler Dexter did with Kayde of summoners-inn.de.  People may only remember Dexter form his time on CLG, but his career in Europe started earlier, and Kayde digs into DExter full LCS career:

Your career can be split into four stages: first your time with Lemondogs, then with CLG, followed by your time as a free agent before you ultimately ended up in Elements. How would you describe the relation between your reputation and your actual performance? Have you felt overrated at times? Are you underrated now?
The entire Lemondogs team was quite underrated. Throughout the season, we were the underdogs, even though we won every single game. Even when we entered the playoffs with a record of 18-0, people still saw as the underdogs in comparison to Fnatic and Gambit. I didn’t have a specific reputation then, because no one cared about us. When I joined CLG, the hype was justified. If you look at the results during spring split where I joined, I do believe that I was playing extremely well. Looking at the summer split however, our performance went down – my own, as well as the team’s performance. Nothing felt right. We had a new top laner and couldn’t play as a team anymore. Looking at my own expectations, I underperformed. I play to be the best but when I notice that my performance is not at a place where I’d like it to be, I’m really disappointed. Thus, I left CLG.

I improved a lot during my time as a free agent. I’ve played with every possible player in solo queue and within two, three weeks I was playing 14 hours on a daily basis. For a while, I even thought about quitting but when I was playing this much, I noticed that I can keep up with other people like Svenskeren and Amazing. I believe I’m slightly underrated ever since I’ve joined Elements. Europe has many good junglers after all – Reignover, Amazing, Svenskerren, Jankos and me. These are the top five junglers to me. There are still some other good ones, like Shook. I’m underrated mostly because of my time in CLG. Hopefully we will be able to change that in the next year.

There is a lot more to talk about with Dexter, his time in the USA, the “greedy” choice of American teams and more.  Check out the full interview here.

Author: JTRex

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