How to Watch CS:GO

Counter-Strike-Global-Offensive-Addon-BrainCollector-s-BF3-M16_1For you fans of other eSports games like League of Legends or Heathstone that have never watched a match of Valve’s popular shooter Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Chloe Rad of has put together a fantastic article and accompanying video for the CS:GO newbie about how to watch and appreciate the game.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s unpredictable pace and strategic nuance can make it a tough game for new viewers to appreciate. That’s why we’ve broken down the rules of Valve’s hit shooter for people who are more interested in spectating than they are playing.  With this quick guide, you’ll be able to keep up with the action the next time you watch a pro game.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a tactical, team-based, objective-driven first-person shooter that rewards cooperation and game sense over a positive kill/death ratio. In competitive CS:GO, two teams of five face off as Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists, or Ts and CTs for short.
Chloe does an excellent job of explaining CS:GO gameplay and tactics in simple terms that will get you right up to speed to enjoy watching the game.  Watch the video and read this fantastic article here!

Author: JTRex

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