More Hearthstone Cards From Gamescom!



6 more new cards came out today from Gamescom and there are some nice class cards here.  The Grand Tournament is coming out this month and this full 130 cards expansion is bringing in a bunch of new mechanics and focuses on your heroes’ power to inspire your minions.  Lets check out what we got, starting with a warrior minion with a focus on dragons:


A great rare minion for warriors!  On its own, it is just a plain 2 drop, but when you get that battlecry effect, it is one of the best 2 mana rare minions!


Next we have a druid card that does a bunch of little things in a big way:




Nice utility for druids.  You get a ton of value for the 1 mana you can spend.  Next we got a shaman weapon with a game changing effect:




It may take 4 swings, but after that, no more totems.  Face Shaman anyone?


Next there we have a simply priest card:




Not the best, but might fit in to some kind of combo, gotta see what else The Grand Tournament brings.


The latest Warlock card works even when you don’t play it:




With so many ways to discard cards in Warlocks, you will get some free damage in, but where it goes isn’t reliable, so not the best card.  Nice new mechanic for warlocks though.


And last in our new bunch:




Woah, play this guy after a dropping a Muster for Battle the turn before and this could make a scary fast Paladin deck.  A nice static effect, so any new recruits after he is played will get the extra attack, doubling all recruit attacks is nothing to take lightly!


Hope we see more cards soon, as The Grand Tournament will be out soon, can’t wait!

Author: JTRex

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