sOAZ With Bold Claims For Eu!

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Having just run the gauntlet, Origen and their top laner sOAZ have taken Europe’s 3rd World’s seed, and after the gauntlet, he sat down with Will Kelly on to talk about this season.  He makes some big statements, thinking that Europe’s 1st seed Fnatic can make it to the finals, he also answered plenty questions:

Did you ever doubt your decision or even start thinking that you might not qualify for LCS before the spring split started?

No I never really thought about it. I was just concentrated on the games, same as if it was the LCS. You think about qualifying, but otherwise you try not to think about doubting or questioning yourself as much as possible. You just focus on the games and try to practice.

So you then end up in the challenger series. How was the transition from playing with the best in Europe to emerging teams?

There wasn’t actually a huge difference. As we were a new team, even if we had good players, our level like all other new teams started from scratch. We had different individual levels, but as the meta back then was also very much focused on teamplay, there wasn’t actually a huge difference.

And how did you find the formation of Origen as a team, such as putting in a new structure?

It was a bit hard to being with as with a new team and a new structure, there weren’t necessarily the same resources as in a more stable organization. Therefore it required a lot of patience. At the start, xPeke looked after quite a bit of the company structure, as he still does so if we’ve got any concerns we can always ask him, but still as a small organisation it’s a case of being more patient if we need anything.


There is plenty more over on the full interview.  Learn more about Origen and their finals battle with Fnatic form sOAZ’s perspective here.


Author: JTRex

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