What You Need To Be The Best At Hearthstone!



Getting to rank up on the Hearthstone ladder is already tough with tons of players in your way on the way to Legend.  Once you get there,  you still have work to move up and at that level, you have some top pro players to face.  How do you face these opponents, do you stand a chance, well you can level up after reading Lookitzjoe piece on vicioushs.cards.  With help from pro @vS_LBYS, you get coaching like this:

Another concept which I think most people are aware of but often get caught up in is the idea of playing to not lose versus playing to win. Playing to not lose is where you make plays to live another turn, but they are plays that will never allow you to win. Playing to win on the other hand is taking risks where you have a chance to lose, but you also have a chance to win. In a scenario where you are dead to a specific topdeck and you have no way of playing around it, you need to play to kill your opponent as fast as you can, giving them the least amount of chances to draw said topdeck, while also giving you the highest chance of winning. These are the situations I often overlook when playing solo, but LBYS would identify these situations and play accordingly.

Great stuff average players miss out on but pros will do all the time.  There is more to help you go from average to pro in the full article you can read by clicking here.


Author: JTRex

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