World’s Top Players! #12 and 11!



Back again with their top 20 players at Worlds series, the guys over at have for us a mid laner and a top laner to fill out the list today, and these two players will be ones to watch.  At 12 we have Westdoor, AHQ’s mid laner, and one of the scariest Fizz players out there.  Check out what Frank Fields has to day about this explosive player:

Westdoor shines on his preferred champions, but his penchant for playing binary assassins leaves us wondering how good he would be if he corrected some of his weaknesses. If he learned to play more mages, if he improved his laning phase, how good would he become? The scary thing is, even without knowing the answer to those questions, Westdoor is still a premier mid laner, and one of the best players in the world. We accept Westdoor for who he is, because he is a paragon of the game.

That is quite a lot to take in.  AHQ is looking very strong as a team, and with Westdoor there to take out the backline, they could be breaking out of groups.  Next at 11 is SKT’s powerful top laner MaRin.  An all around threat, MaRin plays whatever he wants in the top, just make sure not to give him Maokai, as Grace Han will explain:

If there was ever a player not to give Maokai to, it would be MaRin. He’s currently on a 24-game win streak with the Twisted Treant on the competitive stage and has hinted that he doesn’t think the streak will be broken any time soon. On tanky top laners, MaRin shows how devastating he can be by homing in on the targets that matter. Knowing his own limits, coupled with his quick decision-making, serves MaRin and SKT well.

But MaRin isn’t a one-trick tree. He’s played a variety of champions that shift with the needs of his team. If he needs to carry he will pick up a champion like Rumble or Fizz taking on the role with gusto. On Rumble especially, he’ll hard-push his lane, drawing jungle pressure his way.

24 game win streak against so of the best players in the world.  Yeah, don’t give him Maokai, but using a ban on that champion is just what MaRin wants.  2 powerful players today, and we jsut broke into the top 10, check out the full article for Westdoor here, and for MaRin here, then come back tomorrow to see how the top 10 starts off!



Author: JTRex

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